A New Way To Donate

An easy to use mobile app designed to help you research and donate to charities that are making our world a better place

Check Out Our Amazing Nonprofits!

A Simple, Fast & Fun Way To Get Involved!


Impact Local’s intuitive interface, maps and location-based curation ensure you can quickly and easily find ways to donate to charities you didn't know existed


Objective, high-quality data at your fingertips to help you make informed decisions on where to donate. No more Googling, asking around or picking up the dreaded phone to access information

Instantly Donate

It’s as simple as 3 clicks! Once you’ve found your cause, securely checkout with our proprietary advanced payment and security platform. We keep track of your donation history, making tax season a breeze

Lead A Fundraising Team

Create a Fundraising Team for any reason, with anyone! It's simple to create and invite friends, family, coworkers, classmates, everyone to join

Goals, Tracking & More

Set a monthly giving goal to spread your giving throughout the year and make sure you're consistently helping out. Easily track all your giving in one place and see how it evolves. Set up automated donations to never miss a month!

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Local Today!